Human Resource Management (HRM) Made Simple – Training Kit (Set of 10 CDs)


Instructor: Margie Pacheco Faulk
Product ID: 706406

  • Duration: 11 Hrs


$599.00 $1,999.00 (70%)SAVE: $1,400.00
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Human Resource Management plays an important role in any organization. Viewing it from a high level, this is the department that deals with employee relationships, payroll, hiring, and firing and compliance management.

For organizations and businesses to stay ahead, Human resource professionals must be competent and current with the regulatory requirements. Failing to comply with the legal requirements can result in significant penalties for employers and individuals. Human resource professionals must also be capable of recruiting, retaining top talent, explaining compensation and benefits to employees. Thus, as a core function, they have many roles to play. provides training programs to help organizations and HR professionals maintain effective employee and employer relationships, and comply with the regulatory requirements. The following courses are aimed at different roles within the HR department to help them perform effectively in their roles. These courses cover different aspects of HRM such as recruitment, labor/regulation guidelines, benefits administration, and complaint management.

All Modules:

Module 1: Investigating a Complaint in the Workplace
Module 2: Legally Terminating Employees: Complex Issues Which You Must Know
Module 3: Can I Be Terminated Over My Social Media Post?
Module 4: Employee Write Ups: Do's And Don'ts For Documenting Employee Performance
Module 5: New Federal Regulation for 2019-2020! What employers must know to be compliant!
Module 6: Why Good Employees Leave (… and how you can keep them)
Module 7: Criminal Background Checks in the Hiring Process - What Every Employer Needs to Know - EEOC and FCRA
Module 8: Getting Started With Social Recruiting: Tips Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Module 9: Best Practices for Sexual Harassment Internal Investigations
Module 10: Beyond Annual Performance Reviews: Why Developing Employee Performance is a Year-Round Process

Part 1 : Investigating a Complaint in the Workplace
Instructor: ArLyne Diamond

Areas Covered in the Webinar:

  • Who should conduct the investigation - and who should not and why?
  • How to start the process - being kind, empathic, but not agreeing to anyone
  • The importance of due process and not promising the wrong kind of confidentiality
  • Possible questions to ask
  • Your own biases - such as believing the first person and conformation bias
  • Effective policy and procedures
  • Interviewing witnesses, conducting evidence
  • Types of sanctions based on allegations
  • When for example to use mediation - when to call the police
  • Report writing

Part 2 : Legally Terminating Employees: Complex Issues Which You Must Know
Instructor: Stuart Silverman

Areas Covered in the Webinar:

  • Employee termination policies
  • Risk analysis
  • When is it illegal to fire an employee?
  • Documenting procedures and guidelines
  • Who should be present during the termination?
  • What you should or shouldn't say during termination proceedings
  • Informing the employee
  • Final paycheck, severance pay and unemployment claims
  • How to utilize the termination procedure to reduce the risk of lawsuits and the risk of workplace violence

Part 3 : Can I Be Terminated Over My Social Media Post?
Instructor: Stuart Silverman

Areas Covered in the Webinar:

  • State laws that may pose problems for you if you terminate an employee for a social media post, they made while off-duty
  • Actions you can take to discipline an employee for their posts on social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter
  • What legal issues the NLRB could allege based on your social media policy
  • How to create a legally compliant social media policy
  • Best practices to protect your organization from these legal pitfalls

Part 4 : Employee Write Ups: Do's And Don'ts For Documenting Employee Performance
Instructor: Teri Morning

Areas Covered in the Webinar:

  • Managing from Day One – Using the 4 tools of a manager; coaching, performance reviews, performance improvement plans and discipline.
  • The 12 elements of quality documentation.
  • The 12 elements of problematic documentation.
  • Avoiding questionable timing.
  • Words and phrases to avoid. What to do instead.
  • Having the hard conversations and what to do when those conversations don’t go as planned.
  • What to do if someone is struggling doing their job for whatever the reason – having a process.
  • What to do when an employee complains they are being managed or disciplined unfairly.

Part 5 : New Federal Regulation for 2019-2020! What employers must know to be compliant!
Instructor: Margie Pacheco Faulk

Areas Covered in the Webinar:

  • Learn how regulatory agencies develop their enforcement priorities so you can prepare more effectively
  • Learn which regulatory agency enforces the workplace regulation in your state
  • Federal regulations are still a focus for Employers. Ensure you have all Federal regulations in compliance
  • See what regulations can impact your budget if you do not comply
  • Learn how policy development can save thousands of dollars
  • Read more

Part 6 : Why Good Employees Leave (… and how you can keep them)
Instructor: Mary Gormandy White

Areas Covered in the Webinar:

  • Key statistics related to workplace attrition (voluntary turnover!) and current talent trends
  • Top three factors that impact whether or not employees are likely to thrive at work
  • Top 12 reason good employees leave their job – and strategies for overcoming at your organization
  • Implementing best practices for continuing to attract good employees, so they’ll choose to stay

Part 7 : Criminal Background Checks in the Hiring Process - What Every Employer Needs to Know - EEOC and FCRA
Instructor: Janette Levey Frisch

Areas Covered in the Webinar:

  • Why it is in your interest to conduct a criminal background check
  • The EEOC position on criminal background checks
  • Best practices for use of criminal background checks in the hiring process
  • Step-by-step overview of FCRA requirements
  • Discussion of Ban the Box laws and how they impact the hiring process

Part 8 : Getting Started With Social Recruiting: Tips Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Instructor: Mary Gormandy White

Areas Covered in the Webinar:

  • How social media impacts recruiting
  • Key benefits of social recruiting
  • How to incorporate social recruiting into your staffing plan
  • Establishing internal responsibilities for social recruiting
  • Guidelines for social media recruitment-focused content
  • Selecting the right social media sources
  • LinkedIn social recruiting tips and techniques
  • Facebook social recruiting tips and techniques
  • Twitter social recruiting tips and techniques
  • Importance of responsiveness in social recruiting
  • Options for expanding your social recruiting efforts

Part 9 : Best Practices for Sexual Harassment Internal Investigations
Instructor: Mary Gormandy White

Areas Covered in the Webinar:

  • Recognizing what constitutes a sexual harassment complaint and triggers the obligation to investigate
  • Key considerations and steps to follow when establishing an investigation strategy before you start talking to potential witnesses with regards to a sexual harassment complaint
  • Best practices for conducting effective interviews with the person bringing forward the complaint, individuals who may have experienced sexual harassment, witnesses who may have seen or heard harassing behaviors, other individuals who may have relevant information, and those who have been accused
  • Special considerations for investigating different kinds of sexual harassment complaints
  • Dealing with “he said, she said” situations
  • Practical considerations for recommendations and actions taken to stop sexual harassment and prevent future problems from occurring

Part 10 : Beyond Annual Performance Reviews: How to develop Employee Performance Year-around
Instructor: Mary Gormandy White

Areas Covered in the Webinar:

  • Why it’s critical to take ongoing, day-to-day approach to performance development.
  • Impact of making the mistake of assuming that employees know how they are doing rather being proactive in managing performance.
  • Clarifying the relationship between feedback (positive and negative!) to performance management and employee development.
  • 3 easy-to-follow guidelines supervisors can use to setting clear performance expectations for employees.
  • How to develop a ‘feedback habit’ that will make allow ongoing performance management to become second nature.
  • Simple – and contagious! (in a good way) – strategies to reinforce positive performance through praise.
  • 8 steps to follow in developing performance when improvement is needed.
  • Positive work environment impact when supervisors focus on developing employee performance year round.
  • Framework for understanding why looking at the process of developing employee performance is something that has to be done on an ongoing, year-round basis.
  • Actionable tips and suggestions they can follow to get into the habit of managing in a manner that is focused on employee development at all times – not just when ‘annual review’ time rolls around on the calendar.
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