How to Prepare a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)?
Dr. Afsaneh Motamed Khorasani
60 Min
Product Id: 705131
This webinar will detail a step-by-step procedure on how to write a practical, effective and compliant Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), review and revise SOPs and maintain compliance over the course of the SOP life-time.

Trial Master File and Clinical Data Management Regulated by FDA
Carolyn Troiano
60 Min
Product Id: 705360
This FDA compliance training will cover in detail the new requirements for trial master files including documents related to clinical trials that are required to be prepared, collected and maintained as part of the TMF.

FDA Bioresearch Monitoring Inspection Program 2024
David L Chesney
90 Min
Product Id: 706994
This webinar presents a survey of the FDA’s Bioresearch Monitoring Program, a series of FDA inspection programs covering regulatory inspections by the FDA of clinical trial sites, sponsors and Clinical Research Organizations, nonclinical testing laboratories, Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and post marketing adverse event reporting requirements.

China Regulatory Compliance for Life Sciences
Robert J Russell
90 Min
Product Id: 702037
China’s Life Sciences Compliance webinar will discuss the regulatory structure and requirements for compliance against China’s NMPA regulations for Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Biologics and Combination Products.

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Basics for GMP Experts
David L Chesney
90 Min
Product Id: 706991
This webinar presents an introduction to fundamental GCP concepts for personnel who are experienced in GMP but new to the GCP topic. It is designed to help adapt principles learned in a GMP context to GCP operations, pointing out the similarities and differences between Quality Assurance management in each of these disciplines.

Annual Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) Training
Kelly Thomas
60 Min
Product Id: 705422
This webinar provides a basic understanding and fundamental principles of Current Good Manufacturing Practices and will fulfill the requirement of personnel involved in cGMP must have documented training of current Good Manufacturing Practices. This session will focus on the FDC Act and 21 CFR federal regulations as applied to cGMP.

Deconstructing EU MDR with Principles of Lean Documents and Lean Configuration
Jose Mora
120 Min
Product Id: 706959
The EU MDR is a comprehensive and complex regulation that combines all aspects of placing certain types of medical devices on the EU market into one regulation. It addresses the obligations of economic operators in this role, and provides for extensive databases, clinical requirements, classifications, conformity, and many defined relationships between agencies, member states, and other directives and regulations.
This webinar deconstructs the many parts of this regulation into the elements of lean documents and lean configuration, providing an opportunity to apply these principles as a way to create and maintain flexibility as this and new harmonized standards and regulations emerge.

Drug Labeling and Packaging: Meeting Regulatory Requirements
Charles H Paul
60 Min
Product Id: 706953
The webinar, titled "Drug Labeling and Packaging: Meeting Regulatory Requirements," is a comprehensive exploration of the critical nexus between pharmaceutical labeling, packaging, and regulatory mandates. Over the course of 60 minutes, this session will provide participants with a thorough understanding of the pivotal role that accurate and compliant drug labeling and packaging play in ensuring patient safety and meeting global regulatory standards.

EU's New Regulation 536/2014 on Clinical Trials
John E Lincoln
90 Min
Product Id: 706914
EU's New Regulation 536/2014 on Clinical TrialsTo establish that a drug or device is safe and effective, tests are required. There are many preliminary tests, including lab tests, standards, guidances, etc. Finally the product must be tried out on humans / patients in a tightly controlled environmnent.

Good Documentation Practice (GDP) and FDA Validation Compliance for Regulated Computer Systems and Data
Carolyn Troiano
90 Min
Product Id: 706925
Computer system validation has been regulated by FDA for more than 30 years, as it relates to systems used in the manufacturing, testing and distribution of a product in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device or other FDA-regulated industries. The FDA requirements ensure thorough planning, implementation, integration, testing and management of computer systems used to collect, analyze and/or report data. Electronic records and electronic signatures (ER/ES) came into play through guidelines established by FDA in 1997, and disseminated through 21 CFR Part 11. This code describes the basic requirements for validating and documenting ER/ES capability in systems used in an FDA-regulated environment.

Total Organic Carbon Analysis for Cleaning Validation in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Joy McElroy
90 Min
Product Id: 705929
In this cleaning validation webinar attendees will learn the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) feasibility, method validation and transfer from the laboratory to the manufacturing floor, as well as reviewing a feasibility study of multiple, difficult to oxidise or low solubility organic compounds.

How to Create Clinical Evaluation According to EU MDR 2017/745 Article 61 and Annex XIV
Frank Stein
75 Min
Product Id: 706887
Attend this webinar to understand, what are the changes to the previous medical device regulation and how to implement the changes in your current quality management system and your technical documentation. Your implementation needs smart ideas to reach the right level to pass the quality management audits and technical documentation audits and review by your notified body.

Computer System Validation and Part 11 Compliance
Joy McElroy
60 Min
Product Id: 705427
This webinar will discuss in detail the requirements of 21 CFR part 11 and updated European Annex 11 regulation including requirements for local, SaaS, and cloud hosting. It will also offer techniques to implement a computer system using risk-based validation to gain maximum productivity and reduce cost by as much as two thirds.

FDA Ambitious Regulation of Social Media and Corporate Responsibility
Casper Uldriks
60 Min
Product Id: 703853
FDA regulates advertising and promotion material as labeling. The legal definition of labeling covers just about anything that explicitly or implicitly conveys a message intended to affect a person’s behavior and decision outcomes. How FDA applies its legal tenants of false and misleading information or variations on that theme requires continual updating by FDA and constant re-evaluation by industry. Now the regulatory landscape involves other federal agencies and academic principles in psychology. It has become very complicated and will prove very costly if you knowingly or unknowing walk into one of FDA’s legal snares. This webinar will bring attendees up to speed so you are clearer about what is a problem, what is not a problem and what becomes a risk laden judgment call.

Power Analysis for Sample Size Calculations
Elaine Eisenbeisz
120 Min
Product Id: 705873
In this webinar attendees will learn the statistical power analysis and techniques for determining sample size (a priori techniques) calculation. Also attendees will get work examples in the free to use G*Power software. Some code and demonstrations will be provided for powering studies and performing power analysis simulations in R software.

Hypothesis Testing, P-values and Inference: When Thinking like a Statistician Makes Sense
Elaine Eisenbeisz
90 Min
Product Id: 703552
This clinical research webinar will explore the reasoning that formulates null hypotheses and turns researchers’ hair gray. Attendees will learn the why and how of the scientific method and how to view the world with a statistician’s eyes. Also attendees will learn the possibilities and limitations of research questions and hypothesis development, how to interpret statistical findings with p-values, effect sizes, and confidence intervals.

Best Practices of Drug Development & Safety, Clinical Trials & Clinical Research - Training for Quality Assurance
David Lim ,Laura Brown
13 Hrs
Product Id: 706837

Root Cause Analysis - The Heart of Corrective Action
Betty Lane
75 Min
Product Id: 703391
This webinar will discuss how root cause is an essential part of a corrective action system and will provide some examples of how to perform root cause analysis.

Requirements for Running Clinical Trials in Pediatrics for the EU
Laura Brown
60 Min
Product Id: 701983
This training will cover compliance requirements for running clinical trials in pediatrics, particularly in the EU to comply with the EU ethical considerations guidance for running clinical trials in pediatrics.

Eliminate the Confusion - New Requirements for Clinical Laboratories to Meet GCP
Laura Brown
60 Min
Product Id: 701947
This webinar will help clinical laboratories, analyzing samples from clinical trials, understand the compliance requirements concerning ICH GCP for FDA and EMA compliance.