How to Get Over It: The Many Paths to Resolving Impasse


Instructor: Bob Oberstein
Product ID: 706701

  • Duration: 90 Min
Have you experienced major conflict like divorce or a dispute over an estate? Or maybe a work related, property dispute or other civil action. Regardless, of the conflict there are options this webinar will introduce to help you get beyond impasse, and to deal with and get over the conflict.
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Why Should You Attend:

All too often we get stuck in conflict (impasse) and struggle unsuccessfully to find a way out which usually just escalates the conflict even more. But it does not have to be that way! There are several tried and true options designed to help move all parties through and past impasse to a resolution. This webinar will explore a variety of those options for a variety of conflicts and especially those stuck in impasse. Regardless, of the conflict there are options this webinar will introduce to help you get beyond impasse, and to deal with and get over the conflict. Among these options are Fact Finding, Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE), Mediation, Arbitration (both Interest and rights), Med-Arb, Med-Arb- Med, Interest Based Facilitation, and various strategies for diffusing impasse such as the use of empowerment and other workplace related tools. Let’s face it, conflict even without impasse can be tough enough but with impasse we need all of the options available to make sure we get beyond it!

Should we go to mediation? What mediator should we use? Or maybe arbitration would be a better way to break the impasse? But what about using a fact-finder, or how about Early Neutral Evaluation? What to do, what to do? Conflict and especially when that conflict is stuck in impasse wastes resources and more specifically time, money, and can wear away at the focus and culture of your organization. So, it’s important to be in the “right forum for the fuss.” And the best way to do that is to know what your options are, how they work and how to use them so you can move beyond impasse and help the organization achieve its goals to be more focused and productive. Or you can just try to stare down the other party in impasse hoping they will cave!

Areas Covered in the Webinar:

  • Forms to resolve impasse:
    • Fact finding
    • Early Neutral evaluation
    • Mediation
    • Interest Based Facilitation
    • Arbitration
      • Final & binding
      • Advisory
      • Interest arbitration
      • Rights Arbitration
    • Med-Arb
    • Med-Arb-Med
  • Skills to resolve Impasse:
    • Art of listening
    • Art of questions
  • Strategies:
    • Empowerment
    • Power balancing/sharing
  • How to become a neutral (Mediator, Arbitrator, Facilitator, etc.)

Who Will Benefit:

All level managers, supervisors, and executives. All Levels of both in-house and outside counsel. All levels of Union representation and officers (stewards, Business Representatives, Business Managers, Presidents, and all officers/ board members). All levels of Human Resources. Organizational or external investigators, Ombudspersons, and mediators (internal and external).

Instructor Profile:
Bob Oberstein

Bob Oberstein
Trainer, Self employed

Bob Oberstein is uniquely qualified with over 50 years of Labor Relations experience on both sides of the table in both the private and public sectors and is the recipient of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Director's Award for lifetime achievement in promoting positive Labor Management Relations. Bob also was the Director of the Labor Management Relations BA and certificate programs at Ottawa University, Phoenix where he also developed and taught Labor Relations and Human Resources related courses on both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Bob has several published articles to his credit in addition to his arbitration awards and has also been recognized in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. Additionally, Bob has served on several boards and commissions and panels where he participated in resolving or adjudicating all manner of workplace issues in a variety of industries. Moreover, Bob also holds a Master of Jurisprudence in Labor and Employment Law from Tulane University's School of Law. Bob has and continues to serve the labor management community as well as other groups as an Arbitrator, Mediator, Facilitator, Investigator, Trainer and Educator.

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