Eliminate the Confusion - New Requirements for Clinical Laboratories to Meet GCP
Laura Brown
60 Min
Product Id: 701947
This webinar will help clinical laboratories, analyzing samples from clinical trials, understand the compliance requirements concerning ICH GCP for FDA and EMA compliance.

Risk Based Monitoring for GCP Compliance
Laura Brown
60 Min
Product Id: 705052
This Webinar will help you how to ensure that your data and supporting documentation are in the appropriate format to comply with regulatory authority inspection. Risk based monitoring can contribute to better oversight and more efficient use of resources of clinical studies.

Annual Current Good Clinical Practices (cGCP) Training
Shana Dressel
60 Min
Product Id: 705408
This webinar will cover background information and history of clinical research and drug development, followed by review of the federal regulations, International Council for Harmonisation (ICH), and Good Clinical Practices (GCP) that apply to clinical research.

China Regulatory Compliance for Life Sciences
Robert J Russell
90 Min
Product Id: 702037
China’s Life Sciences Compliance webinar will discuss the regulatory structure and requirements for compliance against China’s NMPA regulations for Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Biologics and Combination Products.

Use of Electronic Health Record Data (EHR) in FDA regulated clinical investigations
Rachelle D Souza
60 Min
Product Id: 704906
This webinar will discuss FDA’s current recommendations on using electronic health records in prospective clinical investigations of human drugs, biologics, medical devices and combination products.

Phase I First-in-Man Studies: What is Special About How and Where These Trials are Conducted?
Charles H Pierce
90 Min
Product Id: 704842
This webinar will discuss the expectations of Phase 1 'First-in-Man' clinical studies, contrast the testing of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, differentiate safety testing in Phase 1 and 3 and describe the process of establishing the starting dose.

Quality Assurance at the (Clinical Research) Site: How to Develop a Manageable Plan
Jennifer Holcomb
60 Min
Product Id: 702406
This clinical compliance training will help attendees understand how they can develop and implement a Quality Assurance (QA) program at their clinical research site that ensures the staff are properly trained and that the research is carried out in accordance with regulatory expectations.

When Studies are Exempted from IND Requirements: Understanding the Criteria and the Consequences
Jennifer Holcomb
60 Min
Product Id: 702345
This Clinical compliance training will review the purpose of INDs and the process for obtaining an IND. Attendees will gain a complete understanding of the criteria for exemption and the impact an exemption has on a study.

Recruitment and Informed Consent: The Cornerstone of Ethical Clinical Research
Jennifer Holcomb
60 Min
Product Id: 704289
At the end of this training program, participants will be able to differentiate between consent and assent, identify when to use the long form and when to use the short form, describe the consent process using best practices.

CDISC Cloud Computing in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Paradigm Shift in Project Management, Analysis and Validation
Sunil Gupta
75 Min
Product Id: 704674
This training program will help you better manage projects and offer practical tools to understand data content and quality. Attendees will learn to apply validation methods to reduce time to validate clinical summary tables. Attendees will also learn to apply advanced SAS programming techniques to standardize and automate the validation process.

What are Serious Adverse Events and How do I Handle These?
Sarah Fowler Dixon
60 Min
Product Id: 702407
This webinar will make a distinction between nomenclatures (serious adverse events, adverse events, anticipated events, unanticipated events and unanticipated problems) and discuss the reporting requirements to the FDA and Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP).

Adverse Event Reporting: Site and Sponsor Reporting Requirements for Investigational Products
Nicole Tesar
60 Min
Product Id: 704534
This training program will help attendees understand what adverse events, serious adverse events and unanticipated problems are, and why reporting them is important to a study hypothesis and is key to keeping subjects safe while on a clinical trial. They will also learn the responsibilities of the sponsor, site/clinical investigator and regulatory agency in reporting adverse events.

Superiority, Non-inferiority, or Equivalence Trials: How, Why and When
Rita Hanover
60 Min
Product Id: 702591
This webinar on clinical study design will explore the differences among superiority, Non-inferiority (NI), and equivalence trials, including development of the precise research questions necessary to making a decision about appropriate clinical designs.

South East Asia Regulatory Compliance for Life Science Products - Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam
Robert J Russell
90 Min
Product Id: 702546
This training on South East Asia regulatory compliance for life science products will discuss the regulatory structure and requirements for compliance with in-country regulations for pharmaceuticals, medical devices, biologics and combination products. This webinar will focus on a high-level composite of requirements in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam & Thailand.

Major Changes to Clinical Trials in Europe - The New EU Clinical Trials Regulation - What Can We Expect for Compliance?
Laura Brown
60 Min
Product Id: 703695
This webinar will help ensure attendees are familiar with new regulations for running clinical trials in Europe. It will help them prepare to implement the new requirements efficiently while elaborating how clinical trials will be authorized in the future. The instructor will also detail the authority proffered to EU regulators to perform inspections of all clinical trials registered in the EU, whether they are conducted within the EU or internationally in other emerging markets.

Ensuring Legally-Effective Informed Consent: Basic to Advanced Issues for Investigators and IRBs
George Gasparis
90 Min
Product Id: 703562
This webinar on informed consent will review the regulatory requirements to ensure that legally-effective consent is obtained for enrollment of subjects in human research regulated by the Department of Health and Humans Services (HHS) and/or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). You will gain an understanding of not only the basic requirements, but also several challenging areas to ensure legally-effective consent.
The Informed Consent Process at the Investigator Site- Who decides if it is adequate and GCP compliant, Ethics Committee, Sponsor, or Investigator?
Stephen Schwartz
75 Min
Product Id: 702538
This webinar will discuss the role of the ethics committee, the trial sponsor and investigator in providing an adequate Informed Consent (IC). It will discuss challenges and practical limitations in ensuring your informed consent is GCP compliant.

How To Establish An Effective Good Clinical Practice in Drugs and Medical Devices
David Lim
90 Min
Product Id: 702252
This 90-minute webinar will help you establish an effective Good Clinical Practice (GCP) by providing a current, accurate and complete (CAC) review and understanding of the relevant and applicable regulations for clinical trials or studies, the requirements and compliance in a systematic, integrative (SI) manner.

Audit/Inspection Preparedness for Clinical Research/Site Coordinators
Ornat katzir
60 Min
Product Id: 702248
This webinar on clinical site audit/ inspection will outline the responsibilities of the Investigator and the clinical research coordinator during and after site audits/inspections and show what you must do to ensure preparedness at all times.

CRO or ARO: How to Hire and Manage One
Ethel Kagan, R.N., B.A.
60 Min
Product Id: 702232
This training on hiring and managing CROs or AROs will show how you can ensure that you choose the right CRO/ARO based on the phase of the trial, the therapeutic area and the countries that the trials will be conducted.